Looking Ahead: JBFC Goals for 2017

February 2, 2017 2:58 am Published by
Editor’s Note: While we will continue to improve and expand several programs that we currently have in place on our flagship campus, 2017 is going to be all about expansion! Here are our some of our biggest projects that we are looking forward to this coming year.

2nd Campus- BUCHOSA

One of our biggest goals this year is to officially break ground on JBFC’s second campus! After

seeing the improvements in our local community via JBFC’s mission, the regional government specifically asked us to move into a new district called Buchosa. This is an area that has no other NGOs or children’s homes, and is greatly lacking in education and healthcare services. While the campus will take several years to complete, we look forward to starting construction on our first building and implementing some agricultural projects this spring. Ultimately this means JBFC will be able to provide more vulnerable girls a safe home, more children a quality education, and be the catalyst to lifting an entire community out of poverty through our healthcare, permaculture and community empowerment programs.

Joseph and Mary

The Joseph and Mary Schools are coming off the most successful year to date, with our primary school ranking 18th in the nation out of more than 8,000 schools and or secondary school successfully graduating its second class. Not only is our school becoming well known for its academic prowess, but we are also devoted to molding the next generation of responsible citizens in Tanzania through our Office of Student Development (OSD), which oversees all of our extracurricular programs.

We hope to not only continue the academic successes of 2016, but we plan to improve the development of “the whole student” in 2017 through this OSD. While this may seem like a common term and idea here in the West, it is a very unique approach to education in East Africa. We feel this is one of the main reasons JBFC has seen so many successes in our educational programs. Students at our Joseph and Mary Schools participate in community service, learn about sexual and reproductive health, debate gender roles, and participate in a number of clubs and activities like soccer, track, debate, and choir, ultimately helping to round out the educational experience of our students.

On top of all of this, JBFC plans on hosting 40 family literacy nights in 2017 so that it’s not only the children who are involved in education. Family Literacy Nights piloted in 2016 and were an instant hit. Now, we hope to improve literacy of our entire community and help the parents of our students understand the role they play in education.

Girls’ Home

We’re expecting! That’s right- the most exciting thing in 2017 for Bibi Mimi’s Girls’ Home is that we are eagerly waiting for 5 new girls to join our family. We have had 13 girls transition from our residential program in the past couple of years, which has left several beds open for more vulnerable girls. This means these new girls will be part of a loving family, be able to receive a top-ranked education, and learn what it means to be a powerful, successful woman.


Since implementing our permaculture approach in 2012, JBFC has seen exponential growth on our farm and is harvesting its benefits daily. In 2017, JBFC hopes to plant 1,500 hundred trees on our campus, meaning there will be more than 5,000 trees in total, start a tree nursery that can be used by our own farmers and the surrounding community, and total more than 2 TONS of produce every month from our farm. This means more protein and nutritious veggies for our girls, students, and staff. And, this means a more sustainable campus for our organization. But, JBFC is not stopping there. We anticipate to start using our permaculture practices as a living classroom, helping both our own students and neighboring farmers realize how they can better utilize their land, feed their families, and make a profit. This, after all, is core to what JBFC is all about- alleviating poverty!


One of the greatest things an organization can do to make a healthier community is to educate people on how to prevent illness. And, that is what healthcare is all about for JBFC! This year we are looking to make major strides in educating our students, staff and community on health related issues. We plan to conduct 12 school-based health seminars, four community based seminars, and 12 seminars at Bibi Mimi’s Girls’ Home focused around various health-related topics such as water-born illnesses, Malaria and HIV/AIDS. Furthermore, JBFC is expanding its clinic in 2017 so it can test and treat more diseases that affect our children and community.

Papa’s Cafe and Training Program

Papa’s has always had a two pronged goal. First, we hope to have some in-country income through the operations of our restaurant and lodge. Second, we hope to educate underprivileged youth from the community in the skills they will need to thrive in tourism- one of the biggest industries in Tanzania. While we will continue to improve on first goal and increase business to our restaurant and lodge, JBFC is most excited to start its official tourism training program in the fall. This two-year program will equip our graduates with the equivalent of an associates degree and set them up to be extremely successful in this booming industry.

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This post was written by Mainsprings